Monday 20th March 2023
Report written by Lucy Hill
It was time for the quarterly TRAID restock, and as usual GoodGym Hammersmith and Fulham were up for the task of helping clear the hangers ready for a load of new outfits to take their place. Six of West London’s finest were here to help put, although not Area Activator Cookie - he was doing a different kind of restock and replenishing after his amazing weekend feat. For those not on the know, Cookie completed the Barcelona marathon the day before. Brilliant work, and a good excuse to miss a double good deed I suppose!
Harvey, Analiese and Divya got to work on the racks straight away, each with their own technique to get the clothes on the floor. Kudos to Divya too for being the most efficient hanger collector that TRAID Hammersmith has ever seen!
At the other end of the shop, Lucy, Emily and Jenni had taken the greatest task. You know it’s a good job when not one, not two but four people say ‘I love this task for this job’! Why it was the matching shoes game. As always, there were black boots galore. As always, there were a couple of shoes gone astray not to be found until the very last minute. As always we got several big blue bags full up of pairs of trainers and pumps and plimsolls.
Back to the shop floor, the shoe gang finished up and went to help get the last of the racks emptied and the clothes piled up into the trolleys. It was almost time, and it seemed that none of us wanted to settle for just one good deed this Monday. The final skirt hit the floor (nicely done Emily) and with a great big thank you from the Hammersmith team, the six of us head off the mile or so up the road for part two of the TRAID double whammy to Shepherds Bush!
Hammersmith and Fulham
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