Friday 23rd June 2023
Report written by York runner
Four GG Yorkies helped Manor CE Academy to set up their charity fundraising event. Martin was already busy sorting clothes hangers for the clothes swap (the main event) when the rest of us arrived and Mrs Power (Liz) put the rest of us to work on hanger sorting as well. Pete was soon very pleased to discover a specific hanger for padded bras!
We helped put out some of the raffle prizes and other bits and pieces from Liz's classroom (a real treasure trove) onto the relevant tables and covered the tables in brightly coloured tablecloths which were re-purposed bits of material from the textiles department.
We collected some bottles of soft drinks for the refreshment stall (from Liz's "stash") but discovered that the metal trolley wasn't the ideal mode of transport as every time we (Pete) stopped, several of the bottles rolled off onto the floor. Good job I was on hand to help pick them back up (after I'd finished getting lost in the maze of corridors). We also moved a large red noticeboard, hung up a banner, filled paper bags with sweets (and ate some too), distributed bins and put out several tables.
In a flash an hour had gone by and we were happy that we had been able to help at what will hopefully be quite a successful event.
I am a teacher at the school and have chosen to get our neglected allotment back on track. I also an a voluntary officer for our school army cadets and the community link within the contingent. In the bigger picture I am wanting to promote recycling, upcycling and also the development students awareness of food, nutrition, well being, sustainability and create a place for students and staff to work, relax and learn.
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