Three heroes (just for one day) for Five Year Strong!

3 Goodgymers helped their local community in Brighton
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Saturday 16th September 2023





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Report written by STEFANIA ROSSO (she/her)

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ChoirWithNoName empowers homeless and marginalised people to showcase their talent, build personal resilience and make friends through singing! Brighton Choir launched in 2018 and, on Saturday, they celebrated five years of success and strength at their ”Five years Strong” b’day GIG.

Three GoodGym heroes were there behind the scenes helping, laughing, dancing, and supporting the choir and the band during the rehearsal before the gig. We moved tables and chairs, meandering in All Saint Church, and set the choir for a pre-show dinner by serving pizzas and tasty salads and washing dishes.

We can be heroes, just for one day. We can be us, just for one day [David Bowie]

The reward was participating to a very joyful ChoirWithNoName singalong with special samba vibes from Sambaoke and a raffle (I like raffles' suspance, a lot).

Thank You for, Thank you for that. Thank You for, Thank you for that [Diana Ross]

We will be certainly back and come along to the next ChoirWithNoName’s Big Christmas Singalong at Brighton Dome, on Tuesday 19th December.

Don’t stop me now. Because I am having a good time. Don’t stop me now. Yes I am having a good time. I don’t wanna stop at all [Queens]

Auguri, dear ChoirWithNoName!

This task supported
Choir With No Name - Brighton
Building joyful communities with homeless and marginalised people

The Choir with No Name have been successfully running choirs and building joyful communities with homeless and marginalised people since 2008. We currently have five choirs: in Birmingham, Liverpool, London, Brighton (run in partnership with Brighton Housing Trust) and Cardiff (run in partnership with The Wallich). They were founded on the premise that singing makes you feel good; it distracts you from all the nonsense in life and helps you to build confidence, skills and genuine, long lasting friendships.

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Turning the Tides Beach Clean 🌊
🗓Sunday 16th March 11:00am

Take part in Surfers Against the Sewage Beach Clean to raise awareness on plastic pollution

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7 GoodGymers are going