Saturday 12th March 2022
Report written by Linda Sharman
Picking and packing at Redbridge Mutual Aid Food Bank is always hectic but fun. A slight change to the process caused a little controversy over what got packed where on the trolleys resulting in Linda managing to swap packing lists with Valerie throwing a little spanner in the works for a minute or two. We had a late sign up surprise with our Dharmesh turning up Park Run fresh... according to our GG Park Run spy Ed, Dharmesh was on pretty good form too. Seeing we had run out of toothpaste GG Peter donned his superhero cape and flew off to the local shop to get some. As usual our Nargis quietly busied herself where ever she was needed. Jay almost got herself jailed in the corner by a trolley but was soon free and making herself useful with the packing. As always it was a busy, bustling but generally good humoured session with everyone ending up tired but happy.
Sat 12th Mar 2022 at 4:41pm
nice work!
Help to supply food to those in need