We Tree Kings from Leamington Spa, Not in a Taxi Not in a car, we were jogging, trackers logging, just to prove how far

13 Goodgymers helped their local community in Warwick & Leamington Spa
Liz Pharoah
Iain McWass
Philip Trigg
James Harwood
Holly Downs
Lucy Gardiner
Kate Rimmer
Ragu Sitambram
1 / 14
Warwick & Leamington Spa

Wednesday 27th November 2019

Liz Pharoah
Liz Pharoah



Philip Trigg
Philip Trigg




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Report written by Becky McWass

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Tonight after a quick show of hands for the Myton Dash on December 8th, a total of 13 Reindeers, Elves and runners got together to help out and provide some GoodGym expertise to help LIGHT UP the way into Christmas. Iain led off and all began to follow the lead (a recurring theme throughout the night).

WATT our task for the evening, we had to put up the Christmas lights at Lord Leycester Hospital where we were eagerly welcomed.

After a quick briefing and allocation of LIGHTS, Liz (who traveled from Coventry to temporarily replace our Fallen Leader this week, get well soon Becky) made sure that no one was LEFT IN THE DARK, we split into groups and quickly set to work.

TREEmendous work was spent decorating the trees in the court yard before we could move onto the Great Hall where they were running an auction, although by the time we had untangled lights they were FAIRY close to finishing.

Then there was yet more LIGHT work to be made, in a shop stall befitting of the first Christmas (There were lights are on but nobody Wass home).

Once the auction was finished a brave few were entrusted to hang the decorative bunches of little sticks (I don't know the Christmasey name) from the chandeliers in the Great Hall, fellow runners held the ladders (making sure no-one was ever HERTZ)

We couldn't leave until it was beginning to look a lot like Christmas and we over ran our time sLIGHTly, but as LUX would have it no-one was in a huge rush to return.

A stretch and cool down back at base and a reminder of next weeks task, a mention of a community mission. (Thanks again Liz for being sub leader) We hope to be back to full force next week with Becky recovered from the darstardly Flu.

This task supported

The Hospital is a historic group of medieval timber-framed buildings on Warwick High Street dating mainly from the late 14th Century. Of historic significance, they represent one of the finest examples in Britain of medieval courtyard architecture. Clustered round the Norman gateway into the town, the 12th Century Chantry Chapel sits above it. For nearly 200 years this site was home to Warwick’s medieval Guilds.

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Warwick & Leamington Spa

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GoodGymers help will enable us to raise awareness of this wonderful role and encourage more, much needed applications from people who would like to volunteer with Guide Dogs and our amazing guide dog mums.

Joannah Middleton
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