8 Goodgymers helped their local community in Bournemouth
Abi Thommes
Caprice McWilliams
Ross Boon
Ritchie whiting
Lydia Turnbull
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Wednesday 12th October 2016

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8 well-paced runners ran 6km and solved storage problems for the Special Olympics

We had a chilly start down at Urban Reef, where 8 committed runners met for the week’s Group Run. We welcomed Debs and Joe of Bristol- and Blandford-fame, very honoured you guys came to visit us!

Our small, yet perfectly-formed group left at 6.30pm and began with a wonderfully long and tortuous hill, climbing up from sea level to heights of the overcliff. If anyone was in pain, it didn’t show!

We ran inland and through Boscombe to the beautiful and underrated Kings Park. We were drawn like moths to the bright lights of the athletic stadium. It was amazing to see hoards of kids training hard on the track.

We were met by Patrick and Tony who manage the special olympics…as well as Tom, a super-friendly chap offering hot drinks and warmth!

Our challenge was up there with any of those set by Richard O’Brien on the Crystal Maze. We were faced with many different length metal poles, some blue and some orange. Mallets. Shelving. And a floodlight. In the 35 minutes we had available we would be transforming these bits into lovely new, sturdy shelving for all their sports equipment. THERE WERE NO INSTRUCTION BOOKLETS!!

Brains in gear - off we went. The team worked in pairs and it wasn't long before they’d cracked the erection code. Then there was no stopping the pace at which bits were being hammered and honed into the finished article. Shout out to Ritchie who was so passionate about getting the job done he had a hammer-breakage incident!

Once the shelves were complete, we loaded them into the storage container and tested their robustness by loading them with all the equipment needing a home. It was a fab sense of achievement as there was a clear before and after so the team felt proud as punch.

We were pushed for time so dashed off into the night, downhill all the way to the pier. The pace was good and the chat flowed.

All in all this was a brilliant session. Fitness and team work were on point!!!!

Next week we hit up Faithworks office again and pretend we are the real Kim and Aggie making their workplace spotless with our cleaning efforts - see you then!

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Quiz @ Abbeyfield Retirement Home. The March Edition
🗓Monday 10th March 6:15pm

Good fun with good friends

Caprice McWilliamsEleanor KingMohammed MschrgegeMilly Corden-lloydSophie CuffJames Taberner
6 GoodGymers are going