Three is the Missing Number

6 Goodgymers helped their local community in Ealing
Anuj Sharma
Raja Muhammad Afsar
Harvey Gallagher
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Sunday 21st April 2024




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Report written by Kash

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A strong team of 6 GoodGymers came today to support a big group of Pitshanger junior parkrunners and got a shout out from the run director Amanda. The word "GoodGym" caused a nice applause as opposed to silence after the mention of the lost property.

"Quality merchandise!" - David

There were no takers for the two lost hoodies. Maybe the runners prefer to take home other things? Read on!

Harvey was spared the pressure of the timekeeping after running the London Marathon in reverse overnight. He joined the GoodGym cohort of marshals, alongside Afsar, Anuj, Madiha and Sevan.

Kash stayed at the start and helped set up just a little bit wonky funnel, then assumed the barcode scanning role alongside another volunteer, Christina. The two scanners had to handle a whopping 90 barcodes - probably a record number of attendees since the pandemic! They tried to get ahead of time and started sorting the tokens from the very beginning of the scanning process. The brilliant idea fired back at them when a couple of tokens were blown away by a sudden gust of wind. The scanners retrieved the barcodes quickly but at the end they discovered that number three was still missing. It was nowhere to be found in the grass. Maybe someone took it home?

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Tea Shift at ESK 🍵🍰☕& Food Handling(Sandwiches, prep food bags)
🗓Today 11:00am

Help run drop-in service on a Friday where homeless can get free clothes and wellbeing services

One GoodGymer is going - no space left 😢