A Great Get Together....

10 Goodgymers helped their local community in Slough
Gurcharan Manku
Peter Jewell
Jean Watts
Pam Banga
Manjit Birk
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Monday 3rd July 2023

Slough runner


Pam Banga
Pam Banga


Manjit Birk
Manjit Birk



Find out about GoodGym TaskForce

Report written by Manjit Birk

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This evening's session was a real community affair as we aimed to connect local residents and local councillors with the GoodGym concept of wellbeing, fitness, mental health, social interaction and social goodness - all combined on a Monday evening.

We hope the local residents enjoyed a mini fitness session in the park before we did a community litter pick.

The idea of this cocktail combination was mastered when long term member Mabu became a local ward councillor and asked me if we could do something in his ward to engage with the residents and show them options to getting fit and doing good!

A litter taster of GoodGym

It's always our intention to make more people aware of what we do and how they can join in. Perhaps the local residents may not be ready to join us across the town however tonight's session was a litter taster of what we do, when we do it and how we do it. So hopefully more locals will start to get involved or even create their own little GG communities.

F is for fun and fitness

As we were staying put rather than our usual run/walk off to the task location, I had more time to brush off the dust on the circuit kit and have it all ready before anyone even turned up! With the help of Mabu who was there super early, we put out the cones, the hurdles and the agility ladder.

By the time everyone had arrived including Cllr Manku and two local residents, the wind had died down just enough! It was great to see Sara again and to have our friends from Slough Refugee Support back for their 4th session! They really are becoming a regular part of the team and we love it!

Starting off with a gentle warm up and introductions, I then took 3 takes to make an impromptu introduction video to GoodGym (at least I was on a 'good' hair day!).

Next we had cone to cone running (or walking) in 30 seconds, followed by heads, shoulders, knees, toes and cone game, swiftly followed by a split in the teams with one going for a walk/run around the triangle footpath whilst the other did a circuit set. And finally, la piece de resistance...a good old fashioned relay race!

L is for a lotta litter or a little litter

You never know how much litter you will find in a park like Langley Memorial. The wind tonight certainly didn't help keep the park tidy. So we decided to go with 3 black bags to start with and see how much we could collect.

We broke off into smaller groups with Sara taking Mohammad and Eshan with her; Pam had Jean and Mehdi, whilst Mabu had Gurcharan and Peter. Eshan was constantly practising his English skills with new words being added to his vocabulary like Starburst!

Within 20 minutes we had filled those 3 black bags full of rubbish.

Well done to everyone for attending and getting stuck in.

Next week we will be meeting at Kennedy Park in Britwell for a leaflet task.

This task supported
Slough Borough Council Neighbourhood Services
To improve tidiness of the area

Supporting the Neighbourhood services team

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