You cub my back, I'll cub yours

8 Goodgymers helped their local community in Brent
Pritesh Mistry
Claire Thomson
Clare Moscrop
Deborah Skinner
Tabitha Skinner
Uthman Garewal
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Monday 19th March 2018

Pritesh Mistry
Pritesh Mistry


Claire Thomson
Claire Thomson


Clare Moscrop
Clare Moscrop


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Report written by Pritesh Mistry

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The beast from the east was supposedly back and we could really feel it but tonight we had little cubs on our minds not beasts!

We were helping the Scouts in Willesden and bringing some structured fitness to a group of cubs meeting in Willesden Green.

We had a short run down to Kingshall Community Centre and there met Derek who was heading the group. I think both us and the Cubs were curious as to what we were going to be doing as we were led into the kitchen area and then hada debrief.

The plan

We were going to each take up a station where we would demonstrate and explain our activity before the Cubs did the activity for a minute before swapping round to the next station. "Simples" as they say. Here's the activity at our stations:

  • Jumping Jacks
  • Balancing on one leg
  • Squats
  • Line jumps
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Press Ups
  • Running on the spot

It's fair to say that everyone got pretty worked up both demonstrating and often taking part with the Cubs seven times! Hang on, make that FOURTEEN times as the Cubs took a break for some water before we changed our stations and did it all again. The Cubs all expended a great amount of energy and seemed to really enjoy the structure of the evening. With this done and the Cubs all tired out we did a warm down (expertly led by Liz and Deborah and then Claire gave the Cubs a quick explanation of what we do at GoodGym.

It was a great evening and we were worked out just as hard as the Cubs - Derek said he'd let other groups know how we had gone so there may well be the opportunity for some more sessions!

Thank you to everyone as I was not feeling the best and it wouldn't have been the success it was without you. What a dream team GG Brent is!

p.s. Sorry about the lack of pics but due to the age of the Cubs we couldn't take pictures of the actual activities.

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Care for a Kitchen that cares for the Community!
🗓Monday 10th March 7:00pm

It will make for a more sanitary and enjoyable space for cooking volunteers to cook up the weekly community meal

Tabitha Skinner
One GoodGymer is going