Giving it some welly!

7 Goodgymers helped their local community in Chelmsford
Anthony Davies
Laura Davies
Fay Downing
David Chatterjee
Laurie Chatterjee
Andy Holmes
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Sunday 22nd October 2023

Fay Downing
Fay Downing




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Report written by Fay Downing

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On a lovely sunny, but muddy, Sunday morning, we were back at Barrow Farm to help finish off the memorial garden. We met in the car park and welcomed Laura and Anthony to their first session. We then headed round to meet Andrea who set us to work. Today we were laying the woodchip paths around the garden. It's come on loads since we were last there and is really looking fabulous now.

First we had to clear a path through the pile of wood chippings before shifting and laying an under layer of gravel. David, Joe and Anthony were on wheelbarrow duty, while Fay, Laurie and Laura were loading. Andy was on the receiving end spreading the gravel. Once that was done and some cups of tea and biscuits had been consumed we said goodbye to Laurie and David who were off to make a roast dinner. (Where was our invite?!) The rest of us continued and laid the wood chippings onto the paths.

It's really starting to come together now and we can't wait for the grand opening.

This week we have a leaflet drop, postponed from last week because of the rain. We also have our annual pub crawl coming up on saturday. You can still sign up for either (or both!) here

Happy GoodGyming!

This task supported
Barrow Farm RDA (Riding and Carriage Driving For the Disabled)
For 46 years we have been riding high at Barrow Farm enabling people with special needs and disabilities to develop their abilities and enrich their lives through riding.

Would you like to give something back to your local community? Do you have one or more hours free during the week? Would you like to learn new skills, make new friends and do something really fantastic? Would you like to volunteer at Barrow Farm Riding for the Disabled? Everyone can help us – we welcome volunteers from all communities. We have rides 6 days a week. No previous experience is needed. All volunteers receive training and support. Please contact Lucy on 01277 822927 or by email:

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Litter Pick!
🗓Wednesday 19th March 6:30pm

Keeping the local area clean and tidy

David ChatterjeeSteve JohnsonFay Downing
3 GoodGymers are going