Monday 28th May 2018
Report written by Paul Bown
17 runners helped Compton Square Gardens with some gardening in the storm!
Welcome along to Kaite and Marianne whose first time it was yesterday - lovely to have you along!
In the news this week:
This week we were meeting at the Arc Centre and it was fitting as the storms were building..... After we warmed up Linda Robson (from Loose Women) cheered us on and we were away - we headed north via the New River Route for a mile run before our arrival at Compton Square Gardens outside the Union Chapel.
Compton Square Gardens is a beautiful set of public gardens in the centre of Islington, Juliet and a group of volunteers help maintain it more and more as the funding from the local council has been cut. Juliet told us that our task for the evening was to remove a certain weed with blue flowers that is running havoc in the gardens!
It's about to get exciting!
As the thunder and lightning started we split into three groups went two by two across the two gardens to dig, pull and fork out all of those pesky weeds we could find. The rain got heavier and different groups had better cover than others. With the wheelbarrows getting constantly full of weeds and thrown on a huge pile over we were soon done.
Everyone worked really hard over 30 minutes but got absolutely soaked haha!
We ran the most direct route back to base, stretched out and ate some biscuits - yum!
Sign up for next week here we will be helping Waterside Adventure Playground and Age UK - we'll be meeting back at the Arsenal Hub.
PB out.
Tue 29th May 2018 at 11:34am
Ah I forgot about biscuits!!
Tue 29th May 2018 at 4:04pm
This might be the best run report title ever.
An invitation to help this lovely community garden space prepare for the winter months