WWF x GoodGym Liverpool: Helping Friends of St James Gardens @ the Anglican Cathedral

Helping care for this long neglected space so it can be enjoyed by even more of the community

Hope Street Hotel
40 Hope St
L1 9DA
Date and time
18:30 - 20:15
Monday, 14th of April 2025

Workout for Nature with WWF

Welcome to WWF x GoodGym’s Workout for Nature. From 7th April WWF and GoodGym are collaborating on hundreds of sessions to celebrate Earth Day. Each session will involve a Workout for Nature - a physical volunteering activity which will benefit local green spaces, and give your own wellbeing a boost. Simply sign up below and come along. No experience required!

Join Friends of Cathedral Gardens, a local volunteer group who work to preserve and maintain these historic gardens for the enjoyment of all, now and in the future.

The focus for these sessions will be on sprucing up the gateways to the gardens at the entrances on Cathedral Gate and St James Road, cutting back over growth, weeding, litter picking and sweeping. We will also be working on increasing the spread of our snowdrop meadow, digging and redistributing the snowdrop bulbs and planting Primulas to create an even more magnificent display next Spring! 😍

This combined with litter picking and general tidying and cutting back around the cemetery gardens.

The Run Runners meet at the Suitcases on Hope Street ready for 6:30pm for a warm up and a run to the task. what3words location: https://what3words.com/normal.shirt.builds

For anyone that prefers not to run there is always the option to meet at the task location ready for 6:50pm, just let us know in the comments or WhatsApp group

Meeting at task: Meeting point at the Cathedral Gate entrance to the gardens, what3words location: https://w3w.co/deeply.jets.shop

Who's going

  • Vikky Evans-Hubbard
  • Steph Willshaw
  • Bekah West


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New to GoodGym?

This is a GoodGym group run, where we run to help a local community organisation and then run back.

New GoodGymers are welcome to GoodGym group runs - no one gets left behind. You're unlikely to be alone, hundreds of new people sign up every week.

Find out more

Hope Street Hotel
40 Hope St
L1 9DA
Date and time
18:30 - 20:15
Monday, 14th of April 2025

Hope Street Hotel
40 Hope St
L1 9DA

There's space to change and leave bags and toilets. We're not planning to do anything purposefully dangerous, but GoodGym takes no responsibility for your safety during group runs, you participate at your own risk. Participants accept full responsibility for items stored at the Hope Street Hotel, and the Hope Street Hotel and GoodGym will not be held liable for any losses or damages.

Come to the hotel entrance. Ask reception where to meet us if you can't see anyone in a red t-shirt.

Bekah West
Led by Bekah West

GoodGym Liverpool TaskForce member

What to look out for

Age Restriction

GoodGym welcomes anyone aged 18 or over. If you are under 18 then you will be unable to participate in any GoodGym activity

Make sure you've read our general guidelines for safety when running and at a task.

This is a standard GoodGym group run. If you can't run for more than 15mins without stopping or you're worried about any aspect of the session, contact us or see if there's a starter session coming up in your area.

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