No pain no gain? Litter picking in the rain, we must be insane

12 Goodgymers helped their local community in Leicester
Ben Dickson
Lindsay Fung
David Snutch
Jeanette Douglas
Louise Ross
Miranda Cunis
Surinder Dhanak
Sam Middleton
Vicky Mayes
Zoe Chritchlow
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Tuesday 5th September 2017

David Snutch
David Snutch


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Report written by David Snutch

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Just finished the opening announcement and the heavens opened... and pretty much stayed open until the end when we did our stretches.

GoodGym Leicester are made of stern stuff though so it was off to Bede Park for some step ups then a nice flat but very wet jog along the canal to Abbey Park.

We had welcomed Miranda and Surinder to their first run. I know Surinder well from Birstall RC but I had never met Miranda. We managed to catch up right at the end and I asked her what she thought. Despite being soaked to the skin she had really enjoyed it and said she had had some really good chats with new friends... now thats what GoodGym is all about, well done the rest of you for being so welcoming.

So a dozen drowned rats and king rat arrived at the park, we got into the secret shed and dished out the litter pickers and bin bags... back for 7:30 and dont be late was the call. Kerrie was picking so fast I struggled to get a good snap. Speaking of which we missed our chief snapper Mel tonight so you will have to put up with my efforts! I had to be a bit sparing as it was so wet and I dont think my new phone is rain resistant.

So while you were all out picking litter I collared two chaps from the council returning in their yellow van from a days labour. I asked what time the park gates were locked... taking you all out and getting you soaked was a schoolboy error but if I had got you locked in and having to scale a five foot spiked fence, that would be a hanging offence. Anyway the fellas told me not to worry,"not before 9" they said. Then they asked what was going on. I did think that they might be disinterested in a bunch of barmy runners picking litter in their park but not a bit of it. They were genuinely impressed by what we were doing, thought goodgym was a brilliant idea and gave me a very sincere THANK YOU for our efforts.

All returned safely back at 7:30 except Jen who decided she was going to pick litter for England. Heaviest bag prize (virtual prize) went to Lindsay and Sam and funniest moment prize goes to Surinder and Zoe for doing their best Batman impression on the way home by donning a bin bag to keep warm. Better to look stupid than get cold one said... wise words.

The plan for the fitness session was to use the outdoor gym equipment at the park but in the interests of health and safety we abandoned that crazy idea (I know when not to push my luck). However, with a bit of improvisation we managed to squeeze in a bit of fartlek, a bit of fast feet agility and even a hill burst.

All in all, dreadful weather but really good fun... see ya next week.

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Sam Middleton

Tue 5th Sep 2017 at 10:40pm

Now that i'm warm and dry i'll admit to having enjoyed it :)

Lindsay Fung

Wed 6th Sep 2017 at 12:29pm

Wet Wet Wet! :) But great fun again with lovely people. Lots of rubbish collected too.

Join us on our next session


Cutting back vegetation along the tow path
🗓Today 10:30am

Supporting Canal and River Trust

Nick PrykeSureshJeanette DouglasStu Coe
6 GoodGymers are going