SAS - who dares bins

8 Goodgymers helped their local community in Bristol
Russ Cahill
Matt Burton
Richard Breakspear
Paul Redmond
Jason Thorne
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Saturday 13th March 2021

Bristol runner


Bristol runner


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Report written by Bristol runner

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In this episode of SAS - Surfers Against Sewage - 8 GoodGym contestants were challenged to collect as much litter as possible along the extremely beautiful but heavily polluted riverbanks of the Avon Gorge. The contestants faced (somewhat) harsh weather conditions changing rapidly from blinding sunshine to (almost) horizontal rain. Some of the athletes had already undergone a tough test in endurance making their way to the secret litter pick location. Deborah and Paul rocked up on their bikes turning this challenge into a day-long duathlon. Matt warmed-up to the task by doing a quick half-marathon hill training. Sarah also opted for the bike to give her a convenient appearance of mud-colored camouflage.
Everyone jumped right into the challenge and countless rubbish bags (or about 20 taking out the dramatizing effects) were filled in no time. The contestants faced their hardest test of physical and mental strength at the very end of the task. They had to carry the heavy rubbish bags back to civilization about 1000 meters far away whilst dodging opponents approaching on foot and wheels from all directions on the narrow path. To tire out the athletes, the weight of the bags was increased exponentially with distance covered . Richard was not impressed by this obstacle and even picked up more rubbish along the way. To the amazement of Mark from SAS , every GoodGymer made it through this task carrying the heavy rubbish bags safely over the finish line with a big smile.

Very impressive job everyone!

Kudos to Russ for the excellent pun and to Paul and Matt for the epic pics!

This task supported
Surfers Against Sewage
Surfers Against Sewage is a passionate, practical-minded movement of people just like you.

We’re a community dedicated to the protection of oceans, waves, beaches and wildlife. We fight long and hard to protect what we love and we won’t stop until it’s completely clean, safe and protected for everyone, forever.

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Friday Farm Frolics
🗓Today 8:00am

Our local community farm is tidier for the enjoyment of all

Jade CahillJason ThorneCharles PickeringCaroline
4 GoodGymers are going - 4 spaces left! 👀