Ophelia stopped play, but we still ran and flyered OK

18 Goodgymers helped their local community in Sheffield
Tom Mutton
Stephen Gilmer
Chris Dyer
Emma Fitzgerald
Victoria Tew
Sarah Louise
Bee Gan
Bash Savage-Mansaray
Kristy Hopkins
Elizabeth Rowe
Kim Longbon
Hannah McCormack
Carys Hutton
Sam Needham
Tim Gait
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Monday 16th October 2017

Tom Mutton
Tom Mutton


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Report written by Tom Mutton

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With OPHELIA howling around the Steel City, blowing road barriers in our path and breaking Tom's camera, the @GGSHEFF crew still stood (and ran) firm last night.

With our planned task with Regather at Lynwood Gardens being in a wooded area, we thought it best to re-arrange this task for a more clam future night so headed of from the Showroom over to Mount Pleasant to see the infamous Jonny Douglas who gave us a brief about the Save Mount Pleasant project which for which we were flyering that eve.

After a brief sit on Jonny's comfey corner sofa and explanation of the project and it's plans we headed out into the wind with flyers tightly clutched destined for peoples letter boxes.

We split into two teams with 2 team captains* Bombacious Bash* and Sensational Sam (who was on his 50th good deed that night - Horrah!) The two teams the split themselves accordingly to ensure that no letterbox was left out and we smashed the following roads:

  • Sharrow St
  • Hobart St
  • Salmon St
  • Club Garden Road

We then headed for shelter from the wind in the Park Hill Flats complex which offered shelter, fantastic views of the city, famous historical public proposals and lots of letter boxes in a row!

Following the tactical completion of operation Park Hill we headed outside and onto the newly lit Cobbled Killer where some of the group ran hill reps whilst some other took on the Steel Steps and then we re-grouped at the top before returning to base to stretch, hear news and grab refreshment.

Until next time,

Happy Running :)

This task supported
Avenues to Zero 'Heart of Sharrow - Save Mount Pleasant' Project
‘A new way to Live, Work, Learn and Earn Together’

Regeneration of Mount Pleasant site into sustainable community with CoHousing, CoWorking, enterprise support, FabLab, retail incubator, shops, training and events

See more

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Common Thread: Sorting, Sifting and Sign Making
🗓Monday 10th March 6:30pm

Helping this fantastic local clothes swap initiative to reduce, reuse and recycle!

RachelSofie RedfernCassie WongTarj
4 GoodGymers are going