Just Beet It

21 Goodgymers helped their local community in Croydon
Juliet Stevenson
Peter Rhodes
Rachel Gwynn
Ellie Hutchison
Removed User
Rosalind Vince
Andy Bates
Ingrid Buchanan
Martin Crabbe
Tim Barnes
Louise Rowen
Ben Snewin
1 / 41

Tuesday 13th August 2019







Find out about GoodGym TaskForce

Report written by Conroy

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Tonight 18 Goodgymers ran 5.4km, and 3 of our regulars who are injured and returning from injuries made their own way to the Peppermint Centre to assist Pam with the community community garden.

We welcomed Tim to his first group run.>

Congratulations to Nicola for her recent title of No.1 female parkrun tourist in the world her record currently stands at 351, everyweek going forward she will be making history as she will be breaking her record.

Today's task was to help weed the raised beds and spread wood chip to stop the areas around the raised beds from being over taken by weeds.

When we arrived at the task Andy and Ellie had already arrived and had assisted Pam with unloading the tools from her car and began cutting the grass.

Pam explained to us what she wanted us to do and we split up into small groups taking on the various task that Pam had to be done.

Pam had brought a bit roll of membrane to lay on the floor for us to put the wood chip on however she forgot to take the scissors to cut the membrane and there was also no knives available. They tried using the secateurs but had no joy not until they found a hand saw in Pam's car booth and began sawing away at the membrane. While some sawed the others made trips to the big pile of wood chip filling up the wheel barrow and buckets. In between trips to the wood chip pile some even had time to slope off for a game of ping pong, I won't name them but there may be photographic evidence of the culprits.

We all chipped together

Those weeding the raised beds was not only pulling up weeds they found some beet roots and turnips which Pam encouraged them to reap. There are always vegetables ready to reap whenever we visit the peppermint centre. Look at them in the pictures.

All chipped in, as we, mowed, weed and sawed, shoveled, forked and sprinkled

After all the shoveling and weeding I thought they would have been "BEET" but on the run back Ian running along with a beet root in his his proudly exclaimed:

We'll not be BEET! Just BEET IT!

Next week we have a new task lined up in Thornton Heath sign up here, the run will be 5km in total.

This task supported
Unique Roots
Community gardening

Unique Roots - A holistic, outdoor health & wellbeing project which develops gardening skills, urban farming skills, physical fitness, confidence levels and mental health for the community as a whole.

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Gardening along the Boulevard with ECCO
🗓Tuesday 11th March 7:00pm

Making the community look amazing

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10 GoodGymers are going