Monday 27th February 2023
Report written by Manjit Birk
Light of the Universe
Tonight's session was all built around communities and the empowerment that will happen as we develop this mini project into a life long sustainable change for one group pf people - The Ujala Foundation.
I met with Barbara from BBOWT (Bucks, Berks, Oxon Wildlife Trust) and Gaye from The Ujala Foundation a month or so ago to discuss a community garden project that the ladies were planning. Our involvement was to help kick start off the work and get the garden ready for the Ujala Foundation team to maintain and grow different plants and vegatables as part of this community project.
I actually came to meet the Tuesday ladies group last week at their coffee morning and there was so much excitement about the garden and how they would use it and what they would plant. So we were very excited tonight to get the ball rolling and we could hardly 'herb our enthusiasm'!
So after a quick fitness session in the park, Pam, Sut, Gauri and I made our way to the task location. On arrival we met with the Founder of The Ujala Foundation Arshaad and one of their key and vital group members Yolanda. Yolanda had so much energy for this project that it was electric. We literally fed of her positivity.
As we started Abdul joined and we now had a 6 strong team to getgrowing.
We don't moss around
Within no thyme at all we had started to clear the footpaths of weeds and debris and had them looking brand new! We could smell the wild garlic growing and it was literally all clover the place. We did our best to decipher the plants from the weeds and I think we managed it but sometimes its just one of rose things.
As Barbara arrived she was amazed at how mulch we had done in just 20 minutes. By the end of the task we had cleared all the footpaths! We even ex-seeded our own expectations.
Can't wait to see what we can achieve next week!
Well done to all of us and especially the team from Ujala and BBOWT. Many hand really do make light work.
BBO Wildlife Trust is running a one year long project in Slough, helping local Communities engage with nature and wildlife, by supporting them in improving their communal outdoor spaces. Ujala has agreed to participate to this exciting project. There is a lovely space at the back that needs clearing before we can start planting and creating a nature friendly space that people can benefit from.
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