Common Ground Community Garden Clear Up

15 Goodgymers helped their local community in Sheffield
Natalie G
Yvonne R
Alex Bunney
Sergiu Radu
James Smith
Tom Mutton
Caroline Thomas
1 / 16

Monday 23rd August 2021



Tom Mutton
Tom Mutton




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Report written by Tom Mutton

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So great to start to see some of the old GG faces coming back to group runs and numbers becoming more consistent, long may it continue. We gathered outside The Showroom and headed out to meet MARVELLOUS MARIA at Common Lane Community Garden.

On arrival Maria gave us a marvellous brief on the tasks that needing doing on the Community Garden site and around the Community Centre which included:

  • Weeding all around the centre and some of the beds
  • Repairing the compost heap with new (old) pallets
  • Litter picking around the site

We got straight to it, quickly splitting into groups and getting straight on task.

Becky & Lan got down to earth, weeding a corner bed.

Ash kept a level headed repairing the compost heap with Racheal and Abi.

Once time was upon us and we’d downed tools, we went from pallets to planks with a good three rounds of ‘plank and go’ where we paired up heel to heel in the plank position and took turns in our pairs to do sprint laps around the 9 ladies style stone circle before swapping with our partner.

We had a steady jog back with a small STARVA sprint section at the end for those that fancied a challenge and then stretched off before heading inside for some refreshments from The Showroom.

This task supported

We're a community garden where anyone can pick the fresh fruit and vegetables they need. We're expanding into the nearby overgrown areas to increase the variety and amount of food we produce. Come help us beat back the perennial weeds and create a bright new space.

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Common Thread: Sorting, Sifting and Sign Making
🗓Monday 10th March 6:30pm

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4 GoodGymers are going