Coronation Street Party

1 Goodgymer helped an isolated person in Ealing
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Sunday 7th May 2023

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Report written by Michelle

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Ms D needed a hand with clearing the weeds from her garden, as the back and the front had become a little overgrown. Ms D liked to look after her garden but isn’t so steady on her feet and doesn’t feel able to leave the house.

We sat down and agreed a plan, for the priority areas Ms D wanted to have cleared. Residents on the street were setting up for a street party, 100 people expected to attend and tables and bunting were going up with the road being closed off to cars.

While I was clearing the weeds a number of Ms D’s neighbours came to say hello and asked if they could make me a cup of tea. One of the neighbours had never met Ms D despite living opposite on the street for some years. It transpired that neither of them are on the street whatsapp group and so they agreed they were similar, enjoyed company but a little less confident leaving the house.

After an hour of clearing and two bags full we agreed I’d call it a day. The back lawn was too wet to mow today. It would be a nice quick task for someone after a few less soggy days.

As I left Ms D insisted I squeeze a box of chocolates into my running pack to enjoy over the bank holiday.

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Sun 7th May 2023 at 8:00pm

Nice story about neighbours finding out about each other. Enjoy the well-deserved chocolates, Michelle!

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Tea Shift at ESK 🍵🍰☕& Food Handling(Sandwiches, prep food bags)
🗓Today 11:00am

Help run drop-in service on a Friday where homeless can get free clothes and wellbeing services

One GoodGymer is going - no space left 😢