Crepe weather for a flipping pancake race

35 Goodgymers helped their local community in Bristol
Christopher Lewis
Alex Cameron-Smith
Lisa Elliott
Richard Breakspear
Melanie Young
Shona Buchanan
Dan Lombard
Sally Williams
Nik Rieger
Jenny Chak
Liam Scott
Julie M
Laura Spencer
Zdeni Cervena
Russ Cahill
Phill Stone
Chris Palmer
Georgia Merrell
Clem Teagle
Paul Martin
Olivia G
Josh Cole
Lia Herbert
Sarah Taylor
Simon Freakley
Nia Evans
1 / 8

Tuesday 5th March 2019

Melanie Young
Melanie Young



Shona Buchanan
Shona Buchanan


Bristol runner


Sally Williams
Sally Williams



Find out about GoodGym TaskForce

Report written by Shona Buchanan

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It was a very rainy Shrove Tuesday tonight. While the people of Bristol sat in traffic jams to get home to their cosy pancakes, we donned our waterproofs and got ready to run.

We were helping two tasks tonight: Group 1 set off to help Emmaus and Group 2 to help Up Our Street.

Emmaus had just got a big delivery of donations from another charity shop which was closing down. They therefore had a choc-a-block warehouse which needed sorting. Many bodies squeezed between each other and all of the donated goods to get as much sorting as possible to organise the warehouse going forward.

The second group (after having a long press-up, chair hold and squat stint on the way) were met by Khalil from Up Our Street who manages the Lawrence Hill area. He armed us with litter pickers, hi-viz and bags and the group split into teams of 4 to tackle each of the allocated streets in the 30 minute time frame. The group had soon cleared the streets and gathered over 8 bags of litter to be collected by Bristol Waste. Khalil was delighted with our efforts and has already asked for us to come back and help again.

The two groups ran back to base in the increasing rain and gathered for the second most important activity of the night (good deeds always come first, obviously): the Pancake Race ๐Ÿฅž. Each team was equipped with a frying pan and a pancake and instructed to sprint and flip until their whole team had successfully ran. Some questionable flips, some very muddy dropped pancakes and some downright mush later, I think we can truthfully say that we should probably stick to the running...

We rounded off the evening with an alternative circular, beige snack with our monthly GoodGym Eats to Franco Manca, where we warmed up stuffing ourselves with hot sourdough - delicious!

This task supported
Emmaus Bristol
We believe that people who are homeless and socially excluded have something to offer. We encourage people to use their skills to change themselves โ€“ and change the world.

We know that overcoming homelessness often means more than a roof over your head. Thatโ€™s why we support people to work their way out of homelessness, providing meaningful work as well as a stable home for as long as someone needs it.

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Friday Farm Frolics
๐Ÿ—“Today 8:00am

Our local community farm is tidier for the enjoyment of all

Jade CahillJason ThorneCharles PickeringCaroline
4 GoodGymers are going - 4 spaces left! ๐Ÿ‘€