Tuesday 21st July 2020
Find out about GoodGym TaskForce
Report written by Nick Moore
I think the practising is working. All seemed to go well today - the early morning ride up under a clear blue sky got me to second on the church door list and then, apart from a bit of chat around the volunteer table at 1130 from a few who didn't (want to) understand the queueing system, the handing out of food parcels was quick and easy (although it does help if there's only person ahead of you).
I was back at Mrs E's in what felt like record time with her bags - even Mrs E's daughter commented that this one was "quick" when I got back to the front door. The stopwatch wasn't running but it did feel like a hackney foodbank personal best...now if only they hadn't postponed the Olympics...
Tue 21st Jul 2020 at 4:36pm
2nd in the queue = silver medal, no? Well done Nick :)
Clearing the streets of Hackney making paths accessible for the community