Finding the Braywick Motorways

8 Goodgymers helped their local community in Windsor and Maidenhead
Karin Hurst
Angela Nelson
Dominic Hurst
Nick B
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Windsor and Maidenhead

Sunday 14th January 2024


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Report written by Windsor and Maidenhead runner

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Due to continued flooding at Ockwells, our group of intrepid volunteers were re-deployed to Braywick Park. It was great to be able to welcome Karin to her first ever Goodgym session, and Angela to her second. A warm welcome to you both. We armed ourselves with shovels and spades, and made our way down into the park. Our task was to clear the mud and leaf litter from the sides of the paths to make it safer for walkers, runners and cyclists. We were amazed by how wide the paths really are, and we got appreciative comments and thanks from pretty much everyone who passed by. We have released Braywick's hidden motorways! There is more that can be done, especially along the Cut to make it safer for parkrunners, but we have made a great start.

This task supported
Braywick Nature Centre
A community hub to promote awareness of the natural environment.

Working in partnership with Groundwork South, Braywick Nature Centre acts as a community hub to promote awareness of the natural environment with events, walks and talks across the borough, and through educational sessions for school, youth and other groups. The service also offers support for local conservation and amenity groups. The nature centre houses displays and exhibitions on wildlife, sustainability and local history, and has a large classroom for use by schools and other groups and is only open to the public when events are taking place. The nature centre is situated in an old stable block, originally part of the estate belonging to Braywick Lodge. The 19th century mansion house was demolished in 1969, however the stables were refurbished in 1989 to provide a centre for environmental activities in the borough.

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Windsor and Maidenhead

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