
Community mission

Food frenzy at the foodbank at Frenford

5 GoodGymers made their way to help the Redbridge Food Bank in Redbridge.

  • Peter Van Tongeren
  • Sarah-Jane Messenger
  • Graham Johnson
  • Redbridge runner
  • Sharon Graham
Sunday, 25th of October 2020
Led by Peter Van Tongeren

At precisely 9.15am on a Sunday morning a few great GoodGymmers met at the Frenford Club (The Jack Carter Centre). There was another GoodGym Redbridge Community Mission happening at the same time (check out Julia's 50th good deed!), so it was great to have a good showing at this session too (it worked out especially well since there was a limit of 6 people to this session).

Sharon had arrived first and was keen to get started, followed by Sarah-Jane and myself. Peter arrived in his van full of donations he had brought from Debden. Graham had joined us from GoodGym Newham and was also raring to go, especially after a long run to get here (well done!).

As part of Redbridge Mutual Aid, task owner Genevieve had arranged with Aldi a huge donation of food for those affected by the Covid 19 pandemic.

It was the biggest food donation I've ever seen! Cars and vans were full of everyday essentials. It was fantastic to see such a so many people willing to help. Peter gets a special mention for not only unloading, but collecting and delivering - what a star! 🌟

Many hands made light work. For a single person, it would have taken endless hours to unload it all, but with all of us there as well as the youth at the Jack Carter Centre, the massive operation took only a couple of hours. There was so much donated that the towers of food were stacked up to the ceiling!

Donations were varied: breakfast cereals, coffee, soups, instant noodles, tinned fruit, biscuits, washing up liquid, fabric detergent, nappies - list list goes on! The task of unloading it all fit the GoodGym ethos brilliantly - helping others and getting fit!

With our final vanful of UHT milk and tins of baked beans, they were quickly put alongside the other donations. Sharon and I taking a more fitness-centric approach inventing the bean squat (essentially a squat while moving tins of beans!).

There was just enough time to have a group photo before we went on our separate ways. It was a pleasure to help the local community and to enjoy it too!

Here's a lovely mention from Genevieve

"I want to reiterate to everyone how grateful I am for their help, you guys were such heroes today!"

Check out the Redbridge Covid 19 Mutual aid group on Facebook to get involved with more activities with Genevieve

Report written by Redbridge runner

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Bi-weekly group session - meet at Wanstead House at 6.30pm!

Monday, 14th of October 2024 18:30 - 20:00
Led by Peter Van Tongeren
Wanstead House Community Association

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