Thursday 22nd August 2019
Find out about GoodGym TaskForce
Report written by York runner
Evidently keen for my first verified mission I arrived in classic Katie time (a tad on the early side) for the task but wasn’t left on my own for long as efficient Egg arrived exactly on time. I followed Egg's lead as we quickly made ourselves known to very welcoming Mr and Mrs A.
In no time Egg and I were prepped and ready to go with an electric (if temperamental) hedge trimmer, step ladder, broom and a few weeding implements. Mr A’s magic touch was required to convince the trimmer to start but it made speedy work of the overgrown straggly hedge (despite the trimmer having an alternative schedule). Taking it in turns to chop, sweep and weed we managed to finish the job before the ominous looking rain clouds began to spit.
Mrs A was pleasantly surprised and very impressed with our GoodGym assistance having never heard or used us before. Egg and I then said our goodbyes and went our separate ways leaving Mr and Mrs A to admire their beautifully manicured hedge - a very satisfying first mission!
Tue 27th Aug 2019 at 12:14pm
Fabulous mission and what a great impact! Well done on avoiding the rain!
Tending trees for the future (you’re welcome to join for any time you can spare!)