Got curried away

2 Goodgymers helped their local community in Ealing
Nishy Munisami
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Monday 1st May 2023

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Report written by Madhan

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Sevan passed the baton of serving hot meals and food at front desk to me.

This is my first time being in front desk. So I was all excited for this. Kash made a cameo and observed the process for few minutes before wrapping up their episode

Nishy came a bit early and was in charge of the clothing section. She has been folding, arranging and sorting the women's clothes.

There were less clients than usual as they might have assumed that soup kitchen might not function on a bank holiday. So the front desk was not that busy. Rebecca, a soup kitchen volunteer, taught me the intricacies of being a Front desk support.

Usually there will be two food options, a vegetarian and a meat option. But today it was only vegetarian. Vegatable curry and rice. The menu board said the same. Rebecca was so used to saying chicken curry and rice, she needed to correct herself once in a while. Soon the vegetable bit got over and we only had curry and rice. So we quickly changed the board.

Emma, then asked me to change a slab in the cupboard. I found that it was broken and thought of using my engineering skills to fix it. As there wasn't right tools to do the job, I left it as is.

As part of the wind up process, we folded and sorted the men's and women's clothes based on size and by top/bottoms. And everyone was moving at a faster pace and in an organised manner led to quicker wrap up.

This task supported
Ealing Soup Kitchen
A faith-based Soup Kitchen that provides food, advocacy, & practical help for the vulnerable & homeless

Ealing Soup Kitchen is a registered charity set up to help the vulnerable and homeless in the area. Nine local churches support our faith-based Soup Kitchen, which has been running since 1973.

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Wed 3rd May 2023 at 5:33pm

Nice report Madhan!

Join us on our next session


Tea Shift at ESK 🍵🍰☕& Food Handling(Sandwiches, prep food bags)
🗓Today 11:00am

Help run drop-in service on a Friday where homeless can get free clothes and wellbeing services

One GoodGymer is going - no space left 😢