Home and dry

1 Goodgymer helped an isolated person in Kingston upon Thames
Kingston upon Thames

Wednesday 2nd September 2020


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Report written by Kingston upon Thames runner

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M and I played a spot of phone tag this evening but she eventually caught me and I got to tell her how, yet again, I’d been caught in a downpour on my way home from work. She told me how she’s on track to be discharged home next week and told me about some of the plans that are being arranged. As she isn’t hearing from her family much at the moment, we agreed that we’ll keep in touch throughout the week. Hopefully I won’t be a drowned rat for the next call!

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Kingston upon Thames

Helping out at the Forest School
🗓Tomorrow 10:00am

Keep the allotment tidy

JulieAmy RogersErica PowellHelen
4 GoodGymers are going - 6 spaces left! 👀