Tuesday 19th May 2020
Find out about GoodGym TaskForce
Report written by Nick Moore
Doing a bit of pre-mission planning, it looked like this task could be completed reasonably quickly as Mrs D wasn't at all far from the Boots on Tottenham Court Road where the prescription medicine was located.
Of course, as I then discovered, that Boots isn't currently open and all the prescriptions have transferred to its sister shop up at Warren Street. After a pleasant enough walk, I joined the queue outside where a strict one in, one out policy was being enforced - glad I got there early.
Once in though, the helpful pharmacist behind the screen was able to locate the bag of medicines for Mrs D, explaining one item was no longer available. Upon arrival at Mrs D's, the choice up to the 5th floor were stairs or lift...and so it was that, admittedly slightly breathlessly, I left the bag outside the ajar front door, explained the one missing item as best I could and set off back down to base camp...
Wed 20th May 2020 at 2:01pm
Well done, Nick!
Improve the local community by supporting young runners doing 2k around the park 🏃♀️🏃♂️