Sunday 2nd May 2021
Find out about GoodGym TaskForce
Report written by Ben Foster
On a sunny and strangely stormy Sunday morning (the clouds couldn't decide whether to rain or just pass over), 7 Goodgymers joined a few other volunteers from Marston Community Garden (MCG) to help dig and apply mulch around some young mixed wood trees.
We were armed with spades and trowels to dig out the competing grasses and weeds around the young trees, thankful for the recent rain to soften up the turf enough. Fresh mounds of wood chip and mulch had been strategically placed around New Marston Recreation Ground and using a combination of buckets and sacks, we were able to transport it to our digging sites. Mulching helps to suppress weeds and deter pests while also retaining moisture in the surrounding soil.
We are being the brambles!
After a couple of hours digging and mulching, with the local wildlife looking on from the surrounding rooftops, we managed to break the back of the task with a few hundred of the trees now successfully maintained. Alistair from MCG was very thankful for the help. Goodgym help comes in spades!
Enhancing the natural flora of Marston Forest Garden