Wednesday 6th July 2022
Report written by Alex Murtough (he/him)
Events, dear boy, events.
As they say, sometimes other factors just take over...
...however, I'm not referring to Boris. But rather to something much cuter.
Because yesterday evening we were joined by a little pup of the cutest of cute extremes. They rolled and jumped and ran and bounced, and they made this group very happy as we had our post-good-deeding stretch.
If you're to be convinced, do have a look at the photo of our little friend above. I genuinely can't remember much that happened before or after the arrival of Pup Cute.
But I will try...
This lovely group met in our usual haunt in the Naval College, and after a quick (politically amended...) drama game we shot over to the lovely team at More2Childcare.
Their front garden had been a victim to summer weeds, and we got to grouting, picking, and pulling. It's genuinely amazing what 10 people can do in 30 minutes. We left a tidy, neat, and weed-free space for More2's children.
And then it was Greenwich Park at sunset. Although, as you'll know already, the sunset was no match for cuter than cute Pup Pup Cute.
Thanks for a lovely one, folks!!
Start your New Year in style and join this friendly bunch of local volunteers and runners!