Sunday 11th February 2018
Find out about GoodGym TaskForce
Report written by Ellie Dove (She/her)
3 runners ran a range of distances to help move some books around!
As we arrived, Ms M initially asked us to check in her attic for.. we didn’t know what. But after a quick peer it was clear that in her attic were 20 empty boxes and one box of Christmas decorations, and it turned out that was what she was looking for - hurrah! Job One done!
Next we were asked to bring books down from upstairs so they could be sorted and sold. There were a lot of books.
Initially we started piling them out of the way on the stairs but it soon became apparent that there weren’t enough stairs! So we started piling them where ever she found space. As we brought them down, Ms M was starting to sort them out so it was inevitable that for every stack taken down, at least 2 or 3 books would go back upstairs. There were many step reps involved in this good deed!
Once we cleared the piles of books on the floor, we set to going through boxes to see if there were any more books in them (there were). We found an extensive collection of teach-yourself books (titles including modern dance and swimming - who knew you could learn these skills from a book?!), 1940s keep fit exercises and a selection of bibles of various sizes.
After moving (and unmoving) all the books we could find, we bid farewell and ran home.
Sun 11th Feb 2018 at 7:55pm
Oh! So that's what we were doing!
Tending trees for the future (you’re welcome to join for any time you can spare!)