Pasta Sandwich

1 Goodgymer helped an isolated person in Camden
Latoya Stephens

Friday 7th May 2021

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Report written by Latoya Stephens

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Doing someone else's shopping has turned out to be very interesting.

Mr A asked to be called before getting to him so he could have his shopping list ready. Instead he decided to make things easier for me by giving me the shopping over the phone.

So I said, "Ok what would you like?" He said he'd need two pasta dinners so once I got to the shop, I started heading to the ready meals but then he explained he wanted dry spaghetti and some green pesto.

Then he would need two sandwiches. Me again lesson not learned, started to head for the sandwich chiller. What he actually wanted was a loaf of bread, a block of cheese and some ham.

It is unusual times and not being able to do your own shopping you don't realise you are instructing someone in your way of thinking. A way they may not necessarily think. But it's good fun all the same.

We had a laugh on the phone and all the items were bought so Mr A can have his pasta dinners and sandwiches.

P.s Photo just for nostalgia ๐Ÿงก.

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Mon 10th May 2021 at 1:29pm

Well done, Latoya. Love the run report!

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