Saturday 31st October 2020
Report written by York runner
Six Goodgymers joined Abundance York for another apple-picking session, venturing perilously high into the trees in search of the ones that had escaped us last time. A wholesome (if slightly risky) task for a blustery Saturday morning! While Tom, Cara and Jenna honed their skills with the apple-pickers (and avoided the apples raining down from the sky), Ellie, Michal and Lucy clambered up into the trees in search of the biggest and best fruit (always just out of reach!). The result was plenty of apples to go to local community projects, and a few more that came home with us for bonus snacks/crumble.
Abundance is a project from Edible York. We'll be keeping fruit trees across the City healthy, looking after unloved fruit trees, and he;lping peole enjoy the fruit in their gardens.
See moreYork
Tending trees for the future (you’re welcome to join for any time you can spare!)