Tuesday 30th March 2021
Find out about GoodGym TaskForce
Report written by John Bourton
Six GGers met up with Anne from the Friends of Chapman's Pond on a glorious evening for some socially distanced raking, seeding and sweeping the path through the wood. Amy Paul Laura and Ellie led the way clearing undergrowth and raking either side of the path to make a seed bed for Katie, who followed on behind casting seeds to either side and then treading them in. John followed on behind sweeping the path clear of twigs and debris. Anne kindly demonstrated the best way to sweep with a broom, a technique she learned whilst working in a stable yard, which proved very effective but surprisingly hard to replicate. Who knew broom sweeping is such an art? There was plenty of time to chat whilst we worked and to share our various Covid Lockdown tales. It's been a long time for some of us since we had last met together and so good to catch up. We worked hard yet managed less than half the path in our time - it's a long path - so there's still plenty to do for the next few upcoming group missions.
The Friends of Chapmans Pond hold a lease to manage the pond and open space on behalf of City Of York Council. Volunteers oversee the angling activities on the site and are responsible for the maintenance and enhancement of the green open space.
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Tending trees for the future (you’re welcome to join for any time you can spare!)