Saturday 30th April 2022
Find out about GoodGym TaskForce
Report written by JP
We were back at the Petersham & Ham Sea Scouts HQ for a third session of chain gang-style hard labour, shifting rubble in the sunshine.
At the start of the shift there was a bit more to do in the passage behind the scout hut building, levelling the ground to make way for a new rifle range.
Soon enough that job was done and we moved on to spreading rubble around the campfire area in a show of levelling up that would make Gove and Johnson blush.
Our approach was to put the rockier rubble down first, followed by stony soil, hence rocky barrow (boa) and soily barrow. Oh, what larks.
Eventually, we made it through the pile of rubble, with a bit of help from a few of the scouts who seemed to enjoy hard labour very much. Lucky parents...
We took our team photo and headed over to the Petersham Nurseries for a well-deserved coffee in the sunshine. Back again on Monday!
Improving the natural habitat of the Ham Lands nature reserve