Shopping at Rainsbury

1 Goodgymer helped an isolated person in Ealing
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Saturday 5th August 2023

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Report written by Madhan

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After a damp morning mission, I walked back home with wet socks and shoes. It was light rains when I started from my home for the shopping mission for Ms.N. So below is what happened in chronological order.

  • Took a gamble and wore a fresh pair of shoes instead of the wet shoes from the morning
  • Didn't take the umbrella, as I thought it might be hard to carry two grocery bags along with an umbrella
  • It was drizzling when I reached Ms.N's flat.
  • Ms.N gave a 15 items shopping list
  • Predicted a rough estimate of £50 for the shopping and asked for substitutes and what needs to be dropped if it went over the limit
  • Set off from Ms.N's flat at 4:10 pm
  • It started raining heavily after a few minutes.
  • I started running towards Sainsbury which is 5 minutes away
  • Accidentally took a wrong turn and was running elsewhere
  • The rain doesn't seem to slow down
  • My shoes, socks, and pants got soaking wet as there wasn't much place to hide nearby
  • An old man saw and gave me shelter for a few seconds under his umbrella
  • We couldn't communicate much as he doesn't know English
  • Checked the maps and this time I ran in the right direction
  • Managed to get only 5 items from Sainsbury.
  • The cash machine didn't accept the cash as it was wet
  • It worked after trying it for the 10th time
  • Rain has slowed down by this point.
  • Walked to the CO-OP and finished the remaining shopping
  • Didn't buy 1 item as it was going over the limit
  • The clouds have cleared and I can see the sun on my walk back to Ms.N's flat

I prayed for you to complete the shopping safely and for the rain to stop - Ms.N

  • Ms.N saw me soaked wet and insisted to have a cup of tea before leaving
  • Decided to sit on the stool instead of sofa as to not make it wet
  • Ms.N served hot tea, some biscuits, and a snack
  • Had a chat and Ms.N remembered most of the goodgymers who did shopping for her previously
  • Ms.N asked me to take the remaining biscuits as a takeaway for my walk back home

The russian lady Kash, Sevan, Who's the tall white one.. Michelle, Madiha and Alex. Everyone is lovely - Ms.N

When writing this report I went through Ealing missions featuring Ms.N and found that quite a lot of goodgymers did shopping for her (Jenny, Remy, JP, Bryon..). I think the tall white one she might be referring to is Tish of Hounslow.

I also finished the first mission with a tea this morning

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Windsor and Maidenhead runner

Sat 5th Aug 2023 at 8:49pm

Wow, what a soggy adventure! Well done for sticking to it! 😃👏👏👏


Sat 5th Aug 2023 at 8:53pm

Thanks. "Soggy adventure" is a better pun. I'll use it for my next report


Sat 5th Aug 2023 at 10:18pm

Looks like more adventurous turn of events than all my Ms N missions 😆

Join us on our next session


Tea Shift at ESK 🍵🍰☕& Food Handling(Sandwiches, prep food bags)
🗓Today 11:00am

Help run drop-in service on a Friday where homeless can get free clothes and wellbeing services

One GoodGymer is going - no space left 😢