Slee steps to Haven

27 Goodgymers helped their local community in Bristol
Paul Becker
Julia Carolina Bergamin Nichols
Razan Halawa
Hugh Stanley
Cora Boo
Jenny Spencer-Nairn
Liam Scott
Fiona Lewis
Sarah Hunt
Julie M
Will French
Joe Mongon
Christopher Lewis
David Schlaphorst
David Head
Alexis Wiseman
1 / 14

Saturday 6th January 2018

Paul Becker
Paul Becker


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Report written by Paul Becker (he/him)

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Saturdays have got HUGE. An awe-inspiring 27 people arrived at Mud Dock for our run today, including 4 new members and 3 DBS checks. This is absolutely fantastic. In fact, if you were to look up the definition of 'fantastic' in the Oxford English Dictionary then this would be it.

With such a large number, I was really pleased that Dave volunteered to lead a group although it turned out that his advertised 'steady' pace was actually pretty quick and the groups blended together especially nicely on the return leg down the cycle path where there was a red river of Goodgym shirts flowing beautifully down the hill.

Our task for today was to help out at the Haven. The Haven offers people who have issues around their mental health and/or drug/alcohol misuse their own safe space where they can relax, socialise and be involved with activity's such as gardening,art,sculpture, woodworking and nature conservation.The Haven is a service user led project- everybody involved has the opportunity to plan,develop and maintain the project.

On arrival we were met by Julia and led to where we were to dig a channel so that the existing water pipe could be run below the surface from one side of the space to the other. Alistair gave us a quick demonstration of the correct spade technique and then people spaced out along the length of the hose working towards each other.

Since we had so many people today we also had two groups working to clear brambles - in one case opening up a path from the top of the site down to the bottom of the hill so access would be a bit easier as the weather starts to improve.

Now, Chris suggested that maybe I was a bit too busy taking photos today rather than getting my hands dirty but in my defence I have to say it was an amazing spectacle to observe. Comments about how we were like locusts - but good locusts - were pretty much spot on as 27 people, many of whom had never met before worked in perfect harmony to finish digging the channel and clear the path, smiling and chatting happily as they did so. I know that Julia and Alistair were really amazed - this would have taken them weeks, so well done everyone.

On return to base we took a moment to celebrate marvellous Clo reaching 100 good deeds - and of course to pass on the GG Bristol centurion outfit to its new owner. Well done Clo - and thanks for bringing all the party snacks - but can you sit at our table with them next time ;) ?

PS Don't forget to log your run today on Strava or RunKeeper so it counts towards our monthly total. If you have Strava and forgot to record it you can add it manually as we all did 8.7km today! And if you haven't yet linked Strava or RunKeeper to your GG account you can do it here

This task supported

The Haven offers people who have issues around their mental health and/or drug/alcohol misuse their own safe space where they can relax, socialise and be involved with activity's such as gardening,art,sculpture, woodworking and nature conservation.The Haven is a service user led project- everybody involved has the opportunity to plan,develop and maintain the project

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Friday Farm Frolics
🗓Today 8:00am

Our local community farm is tidier for the enjoyment of all

Jade CahillJason ThorneCharles PickeringCaroline
4 GoodGymers are going - 4 spaces left! 👀