Monday 17th August 2020
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Report written by York runner
Well, I'll confess I was cynical that there would be many benches to be found in a business park on the outskirts of York. But we started well finding three mouldy old picnic benches right outside the chippy where Max, Barbara and I met (on the grounds it is one of the few recognisable landmarks if you didn't want to buy a car). Max and Barbara went on a futile dash out and back along Millfield Lane, and we decided that we knew the land between the railway and the river well enough to be sure there are no benches there - for a start you have to go through a tunnel and climb a gate to get there in the first place. Meanwhile I ran around the business park and was suprised to find a weird looking bench time contraption in some scrubby wasteland near yet another car salesroom. Though not as suprised as the kids hiding out in the woods sitting on the bench who were confused by me wandering in, looking intensely where they were sat and then running away while scribbling notes.
Oh, and this was Barbara's 300th good deed! Incredible!
Looks at how York does to make the place an age friendly city through World Health Organisation checks. Age Friendly York is currently looking at Getting Out And About and residents are saying they need benches to break up their journey so they can get to the shops and other places.
See moreYork
Tending trees for the future (you’re welcome to join for any time you can spare!)