The door to the Goodgym way!

3 Goodgymers helped their local community in Barnet
John Shirley
Paul Salman
Amie Lane
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Saturday 10th October 2020

Paul Salman
Paul Salman



Amie Lane
Amie Lane


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Report written by Paul Salman

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Three Good gym members cycled and walked to Finchley way green space to help the prepare paths through the undergrowth. We met with Alan and other members of the Friends. After a brief safety introduction we set to work cutting into the vegetation to make and improve the paths. It’s an extensive area and we managed to break through to a previously blocked section. ( yes it’s that impenetrable!) We suggested the new path could be called the ‘Goodgym way’ ( helps with the pun title as well) We also started to remove dumped items including tables pots, toilets and even a car door! ( see picture it’s the door to the GG way) The friends have a grant which will be used to further improve the area but lots of work still to be done including a survey of local people on future plans for the site. It will be fascinating to see how it develops. We hope to help with the survey and engagement of local people. Welcome to Amie Lane on her first outing with Goodgym and thanks to John with over 350 good deeds for coming out from Camden to help. Give them a shout out.

Keep moving and helping!

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Helping historical house and gardens (charity park) in North London.
🗓Tuesday 11th March 6:45pm

Improving the environment and getting fit

George TtoouliPaul SalmanSubham BasuKubilay Kara
4 GoodGymers are going