Friday 7th August 2020
Report written by Ealing runner
This morning, five of us got up bright and early for a clean-up job of Lammas Park and some tree watering.
Harvey and Milly met early to run to the meet point. Eager yet slightly reluctant. Luckily it wasn’t too warm yet so it was a pleasant run.
We split up; • Harvey and Tracey went left and got trollied • Liv, Michelle and Milly went right and foxed it.
Each bin had been rummaged by what seemed to be foxes, or some other unidentified source.
Michelle found us part way round, speeding in on her bike, she wanted a ‘pizza the action’ We were shattered by the time we found the pile of smashed glass in the field.
The sun was starting to show- set to be around 36 degrees today we could feel it setting in.
Liv found a very neat pile of rubbish- transpired this may have been collected by a passer-by who didn’t have anything to pick it up with (see pictures of pizza, masks and empty drinks neatly piled up…)
Lots of lovely dogs to pat on the way, even one taking a mud bath- super cute.
Thank you to the regulars at the park for supporting our efforts; lots of kind comments from dog walkers and passers-by thanking us for clearing up; the dogs love to raid the rubbish!!
We tore it up at the recycling banks and separated what we could from the rubbish bags.
Enjoy the ‘gang of four’ modelling shoot; Liv was working the camera. Milly ruined the ‘natural shot’ by making sure Tracey wasn’t missed out of the photo.
We bumped into Larger Can- the local clean up group. Liv even pulled up a chair. I learned today, Larger Can stands for: ‘Litter Action Group Ealing Residents’
Last stop was to contemplate the water butts. Milly really was unsure. Logic prevailed and Tracey, Milly and Liv managed to get two watering cans filled and the tree’s enjoyed a treat.
Lack of rain had left the water butts pretty dry…
Two large bags filled, two trees watered (there really wasn’t much water) lots recycled, a gorgeous morning to be outside. Thanks to everyone that joined us.
Help run drop-in service on a Friday where homeless can get free clothes and wellbeing services