The lesser spotted Oyster Fish...

1 Goodgymer helped an isolated person in Camden
Nick Moore
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Wednesday 15th July 2020

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Report written by Nick Moore

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There were a couple of moments during today's shop for Mrs M where the phone a friend or ask the audience option could have been helpful when interpreting her otherwise flawless list.
Are fish sauce and oyster sauce the same, or does Oyster Fish sauce actually exist? Do Persil really do washing up liquid for dishes (do you then need softener too...)?

As ever it proved to be another learning experience - Mrs M confirmed that it was fish sauce she was after, and that the Fairy brand of washing up liquid would do just fine. It did need a visit to her local corner shop on the way back to find some medium sized marigolds, and that then completed a full house.

Mrs M was pleased I'd managed to decipher her list as she was busy playing Tetris with a pile of boxes that had filled her hallway when I got to her door with the trusty trolley. She mentioned she'd be going out of her flat this week for the first time in months with a friend's support - I wished her good luck and look forward to finding out how she gets on.

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Mridula Iyer

Thu 16th Jul 2020 at 3:30pm

More curious - are oysters considered to be a vegan food! Also box tetris sounds like fun! Nice work Nick!

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