Sunday 5th November 2023
Report written by Sevan
Kash and Sevan met up with task owner John to tackle the snowberry trees hiding at the back of Loughborough Park. John was surprised to see them and happy to have some help. "Clear everything from this area" he said, especially the snowberries, the branches with small white fruit on them. The instructions were to cut them as low to the ground as possible.
Invasive plant destruction is a GoodGym speciality. Kash and Sevan got to work with a pair of shears, a lopper and some ratchet loppers, which were a new tool to them. They razed the snowberries and brambles, while telling John about their GoodGym stories and hearing his tales from the theatre.
By the end of the task, a path to the hill behind had been cleared and they headed to the local microbrewery for some well deserved refreshment. John said that next week, they'd be giving rotovator (or tiller) training in the patch that the GoodGymers had cleared today, allowing volunteers to turn over the soil and get rid of the roots and ivy.
We are a group of local residents who have organised ourselves to care for this lovely little park that has suffered from years of neglect. We need all hands on deck to turn it around!
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