Tuesday 7th January 2020
Report written by Sheffield runner
Many GGrs gathered at Eugene's to share knitting skills to create together traffic light hats for premature newborn babies in support of the NHS appeal.
Shout out to remote multi-knit-tasker Kim knitting at her commitee meeting and hero Hannah, who had nearly finished her hat while we were still eating through the lovely buffet of food provided by Energetic Eugene to fuel our efforts.
We soon lost track of time knattering due to good company and focussing on our projects. Am I doing a knit or a purl now? :) We ended the night with smiley farewells to our lovely GG family and left with our project hats to finish off at home before our next knitting adventure at Daiana's later this month.
Getting to knits with it - Special thanks to Eugene and Daiana for teaching new GG knitters.
All knitting abilities from complete beginner to expert are welcome, we hope you can make it next time.
Keeping the local area spic and span and enjoying a posh coffee after