Friday 24th June 2022
Find out about GoodGym TaskForce
Report written by Ellie Dove (She/her)
5 GGers met Teena at York Hospital Outpatients Garden to plant up their lovely new raised beds (which had been installed since out last visit). A small herb garden, lots of lavender, a few palms and a lot of flowers were planted, along with one tiny ‘characterful’ Christmas tree.
Once all the plants were in, we spread lots of mulch around whilst chatting away (and hopefully not distracting the staff who had their windows open. Thankfully the weather held off so after a quick water of the plants we were done.
Two gardens are to be redeveloped in York as part of the Gardens for Wellbeing Scheme. Groundwork will be starting in the gardens behind the Chapel off Junction 5 and the Staff Outpatients garden, just along from the Cancer Care Unit.• Created with staff, who were invited to include ‘5 Ways to Wellbeing’ from the national initiative in their applications, to encourage staff to engage with the outdoor space, connect with others and have opportunity to reflect during COVID times. Will be used by staff, visitor and patients to include therapeutic and reflection opportunity. Will give staff opportunities to get involved with volunteering to support maintenance of the gardens
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