Friday 10th July 2020
Find out about GoodGym TaskForce
Report written by Marieke
Mr M was in need of a few essentials from Tesco. Since I had planned two shopping trips I opted for a two-wheeled outing and managed to get this first mission done way too quickly. Tesco continue to do a wonderful job at crowd management, and M&S somehow suffers the biggest queues still (probably because it's facing the high street) so this makes Tesco, deeply embedded in Ealing Broadway shopping centre, much more tranquil and easier to navigate. I got all items in the bag, including some lovely choc and ice cream. Why do we not see ice cream on people's lists more often?! It's an essential, no? After I dropped the shopping off at Mr M's I made my way to Hanwell for mission number 2.
Mon 13th Jul 2020 at 3:35pm
Ice cream is wonderful and so are you, Marieke!
Help run drop-in service on a Friday where homeless can get free clothes and wellbeing services