0 Month Streak
0 Month Streak
1 Month Streak
Block or report Andy Waterhouse
Mon 8th Jul at 6:45pm
Lewisham Report written by Kim
I was trying to think of a good pun to celebrate Vic's 450th good deed and Marta's 750th good deed but without the regular pun creator in attendance, I ended up looking at how many good deeds those in attendance last night have done in total and that is a massive 3110* good deeds.
That's such a huge difference we've made in the Borough of Lewisham, from the new faces to the regular faces - you're all amazing!
Back to the task in hand, we were heading to Florence Green to help clear the weeds from around the young trees. The trees that we helped plant! The team got stuck in and tackled all the beds that needed clearing, hopefully that means the saplings will have the best chance of surviving over summer (if summer ever arrives).
It was nearly time to tuck into the celebratory biscuits that Vic had brought but I made everyone hang on a little longer whilst we completed the fiddly task of removing the rabbit shields from the trees and then tying the saplings to the canes in a figure of eight. We even managed to find 2 giant caterpillars. And then it was time for celebratory biscuits!
A short run back to Glass Mill and enough time for a cool down and chat about the task this eve and upcoming group runs.
*stats in case anyone is interested: Marta: 750 Vic: 450 Steve: 560 Kim: 389 Alison: 59 Andy: 2 Darryl: 157 Iitmari: 112 Janet: 2 Julian: 525 Matt: 77 Abi: 27
Monday 8th July
Andy Waterhouse earned their community cape by completing their first community mission.
Andy completed a community mission. Instead of watching TV or lying in bed, Andy was out there making their community a better place to be. For making that choice they have earned the community cape.
Sun 7th Jul at 4:30pm
Monday 1st July
Andy Waterhouse has done their first good deed with GoodGym.
Andy is a now a fully fledged GoodGym runner. They've just run to do good for the first time. They are out there making amazing things happen and getting fit at the same time.
Monday 1st July
Andy Waterhouse completed their first run in a new area.
Curious? Andy has just run their first session in another area. For that explorative spirit Andy is awarded the scout badge. A Scout is trustworthy
Mon 1st Jul at 6:45pm
Lewisham Report written by Kim
Welcome to Janet and Andy who were joining us on their group run and what seems to be tradition, you joined us on one of our longer runs to PNK Garden. Hopefully we'll see you at future GoodGym sessions!
Once we tackled Deptford High St and as soon as we see the golden arches in the distance we know we're nearly at our task for the evening.
Our task for the evening was to water all the vegetable plants and every pretty looking plant in the garden and some of them were looking pretty thirsty after the recent warm weather!
Our second task for the evening was to clear all the brambles that had previously been chopped back to make the edge of the garden a bit tidier.
If we got all those tasks done then the next task was weeding and of course we got to that. We managed to squeeze in a little 5 min of power weeding.
Next week we're heading to Florence Green to shift some bark and remove the protective wrapping from the baby trees! This has been a regular monthly community mission but now it's going to be our first group run there!
Sun 7th Jul at 4:30pm
Mon 1st Jul at 6:45pm