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Block or report Cristina Mincu
Windsor and Maidenhead
📍4 Gatehouse Close SL4 3DB
Join local residents to help maintain this beautiful and spiritual place
Thu 20th Mar at 10:00am
Join local residents to help maintain this beautiful and spiritual place
Read moreSaturday 15th February
Cristina Mincu (she/her) been cheered 10 times.
Goodgymers have noticed what Cristina has done and have cheered them 10 times. We doff out caps to you Cristina.
Sat 15th Feb at 1:30pm
Windsor and Maidenhead Report written by Slough runner
4 Goodgymers met with a small group of Friends of Ray Mill Island (including four mini Friends) for some family friendly Island TLC.
The main job of the day was to widen the main path running in front of the playground and cafe. This involved digging away the earth at the edge of the path and transferring it by wheelbarrow to the compost area. At the compost area a couple of volunteers sifted through the soil to remove roots. The mini friends enjoyed looking for the worms and transporting them in the wheel barrow to a safer place.
The path team then moved some logs and branches to mark out the new edge.
There were lots of squirrels taking an interest in our work with one particularly curious squirrel who befriended Jen and one of the mini friends.
Sat 15th Feb at 1:30pm
Tuesday 28th January
Cristina Mincu (she/her) earned their community cape by completing their first community mission.
Cristina completed a community mission. Instead of watching TV or lying in bed, Cristina was out there making their community a better place to be. For making that choice they have earned the community cape.
Tuesday 28th January
Cristina Mincu (she/her) has done their first good deed with GoodGym.
Cristina is a now a fully fledged GoodGym runner. They've just run to do good for the first time. They are out there making amazing things happen and getting fit at the same time.
Tue 28th Jan at 9:30am
Windsor and Maidenhead Report written by Windsor and Maidenhead runner
Viv and Sheila welcomed Cristina to her first community mission at Braywick Heath Plant Nurseries. Our task today was to go through the pots of perennials that are over-wintering in the glasshouse, removing any brown stems and foliage as well as any weeds and moss. After topping up some of the pots with fresh compost where required, we ended up with buckets full of old foliage and some much better-looking plants which should give them the best chance of taking off again in the spring. A satisfying task and it was lovely to meet Cristina
Tue 28th Jan at 1:11pm
Well done ladies! 👏👏👏 And welcome to GoodGym, Cristina! 😊
Tue 28th Jan at 5:07pm
thank you Viv and Sheila for your warm welcome and what a beautiful way to start my Tue!
Tue 28th Jan at 9:30am