Kelly-Anne Perera


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Kelly-Anne Perera
Kelly-Anne Perera has done their first good deed with GoodGym. 😎

Monday 8th October 2018

GoodGym Runner

GoodGym Runner

Kelly-Anne Perera has done their first good deed with GoodGym.

Kelly Anne is a now a fully fledged GoodGym runner. They've just run to do good for the first time. They are out there making amazing things happen and getting fit at the same time.

Mark BarunKate Haworth

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Mark Barun

Tue 9th Oct 2018 at 9:09am

Welcome to GG Kelly - Great to meet and run with you last night !!

Kelly-Anne Perera
Kelly-Anne Perera went on a group run

Mon 8th Oct 2018 at 6:45pm

There is a good(gym) service on the District Line.

Richmond Report written by Richmond runner

Mind the G...

Goodgym runners pounding the streets of Richmond on a Monday night!

We were 22 strong tonight meeting at Wholefoods to listen to the rules and regulations of tonights task. We had clear instructions..."if your names not down, your not coming in! Oh and it has to be your full name, oh and you need ID".

Never ones to shy away from a complicated task we followed orders and provided the necessities and those who couldn't jump the "Kew" were given a task just as important.

Tonight we teamed up with Energy Garden who help promote food and energy security, create resilient communities and improve the health and well-being of Londoners. Some of their great work is to improve the look of London overground stations. So tonight we cut back an overgrown hedge on the platform of Kew Gardens station. We were given shears, loppers and high vis jackets and got to work. Our task was clear, don't step on the grass and cut back about a foot of the hedge then dispose of the cuttings at the edge of the platform. It was a real team effort and we couldn't help but pull out some weeds while we were there including some nasty brambles.

Meanwhile, those on the other side were tasked with litter picking. So who shall we compliment? Is it the people of Kew? Or is it those who look after the litter in the area? Either way we salute you on keeping Kew tidy. So whilst our litter picking team were scrutinising the streets, one run trainer had to negotiate borrowing a couple of brooms. For while there was little rubbish, there were plenty of leaves around the station. With two brooms in hand and super excited at the prospect of attacking Kew Garden station with a two pronged approach (inside and out), the run trainer went in search of the litter picking team to advise of the altered project for this evening. You'd think you would be able to find 6 runners with head torches on and big dustbin bags quite easily on the streets of Kew but it was only after 5 minutes of wondering round with said brooms that the team were reunited. It was time for a clean sweep, leaves were removed from the bridge, the stairs and a large portion of the front of the station. All in all the commuters should notice the difference as they sleepily start their day tomorrow morning.

A big thanks to Rhys (task owner) for organising the task for us this evening . It was also good to meet some members of the Kew Society. Most awesome of all was seeing 22 runners doing such good in the community and even those who couldn't get in are still all inclusive.

On the run back there was definitely lots of #runandtalk going on , especially as we had 5 newbies to get to know, big welcome to Kelly, Alex, Molly, Miglena and Aija

Well done to Samia for reaching 100 good deeds and Kate M for 50!

Here is the link for the Richmond Half for those who are interested

See you next week for some "sticky business"

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Kate Haworth