Sarah Whitehouse


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Sarah Whitehouse
Sarah Whitehouse went on a community mission

Thu 20th Feb at 6:30pm

No Toy Library tonight...

Waltham Forest Report written by Sarah Whitehouse

... sadly miscommunication and circumstances beyond our control prevailed this evening, and the Toy Library task did not come to pass. Visitors John and Jaqueline from Camden and Gabriela from Hackney came to join, but unfortunately our mission wasn't accomplished. We did, however, have a lovely chat for 20 minutes, and I thoroughly enjoyed making some new GG contacts. I feel terrible for not properly confirming the task with Helen this week; Helen feels terrible for being on leave this week and forgetting that the Goodgym elves were due to visit. So we've decided to put it down to "six of one and half a dozen of the other" and both sleep easy. Lessons have been learned and the next mission in March will be a mighty fine one, probably with multiple emails of confirmation from both sides ;-)

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John Shirley

Fri 21st Feb at 11:37am

Never mind, we had a nice veggie Indian meal before going back to Camden. See you on 20th March

John Shirley

Fri 21st Feb at 2:10pm

And nice to meet you Gabriela

Gabriela Cocco

Fri 21st Feb at 2:20pm

[This comment has been deleted]

Gabriela Cocco

Fri 21st Feb at 2:21pm

Don’t worry Sarah, life happens! It was very nice to meet you and John and hopefully I will be able to join you on the 20th of March

Sarah Whitehouse
Sarah Whitehouse went on a community mission

Sat 18th Jan at 8:30am

Walthamstow Parkrun 🌳 takeover in memory of Raymond.

Waltham Forest Report written by Helen Farebrother-Naylor

Is this a bit tardy in its publication? YES. Would Raymond ordinarily have already sent me a reminder and a gentle ribbing? TOO RIGHT.

So many of us came together last Saturday morning at Walthamstow Parkrun for a GoodGym takeover, to celebrate and remember Raymond/Ramon/Ray as he was variously known, who we lost so sadly and suddenly just before Christmas, on 18th December.

There was a huge turnout, despite the freezing 🥶 weather, reflective of how much he was loved, with close family and friends from all areas of his life coming together. Ably run-directed by the lovely Louise, and I have no doubt that Raymond would have loved seeing his son start the runners off, which he did with aplomb.

And SO many Goodgymers! Thank-you Ruby for organising, and Saj, and many more. A full complement of GG marshals, time keepers, barcode scanners. Not just from GG Waltham Forest, oh no. You see, not only was Ramon an active member of GGWF (let’s be honest, Raymond WAS GGWF!), he did so many GG tasks for other branches too. Particularly solo missions for isolated people in all of Waltham Forest, Redbridge, Hackney, Harringey, Tower Hamlets, Islington, and probably more. He wasn’t flashy, he just got on with it, including what he was able to do during COVID. Like it says on his GG Page “Just me…No Dramas”.

He was a friend to many, enormously perceptive and kind, being quietly or completely not quietly (😊) supportive when required! He had a wicked sense of fun, and he never turned down a challenge to construct the most outlandish random outfits while rummaging through and organising charity donations 🦸🏾‍♂️.

Thanks to GG Ivofor coming (always a pleasure), Latoyafrom @GoodGymHaringey , and so many others who were lucky enough to have known Ramon, and had the opportunity to “do good” alongside him.

It was truly wonderful meeting some special people in Ramon’s life, and having a good chin wag while being the Tail Walker and sharing memories of him.

It wouldn’t have been Walthamstow Parkrun without some cake 🍰 at the end, and then off to the local greasy spoon, as I am sure Ramon would agree, was only right and proper.

Farewell lovely Raymond. Please consider making a donation in his name to one of the 3 excellent charities on the flyer. Thank-you.

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Sarah Whitehouse
Sarah Whitehouse went on a community mission

Thu 16th Jan at 6:30pm

Who needs Marie Kondo...

Waltham Forest Report written by Sarah Whitehouse

..when Goodgym Waltham Forest are on hand?! Four happy Goodgymmers walked, cycled and ran to the Walthamstow Toy Library this evening to help the ever-wonderful Helen organise the walk-in craft cupboard. The Toy Library provides craft workshops and activities for visiting children and receives donations of all kinds of lovely creative supplies. From paints, pom poms and playdough to stickers and stencils, pipe cleaners and pencils, glitter and glue, you name it – the Toy Library has it. In fact, the cupboard was so full it was ready to burst!

Two hours of sifting and sorting, consolidating and amalgamating, packing, labelling and shelf-stacking, and the cupboard was, even if we do say so ourselves, unrecognisable! An organisational miracle to behold! Space was saved, clarity was achieved and Helen was beyond delighted. In fact, after all had left and she and I were turning lights out and getting ready to lock up and go home, she turned the light back on, looked at me slightly sheepishly and said, “sorry, but I’ve just got to go and have another look at it!”.

Well done GGWF – we did a good thing this evening. Special welcome and congratulations to Vicky on her first mission – it was super to have you on board.

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Sarah Whitehouse
Sarah Whitehouse signed up to a community mission.

Sat 18th Jan at 8:30am

GG VOLUNTEERS NEEDED - parkrun takeover to celebrate Raymond's Life

This will help us honour Raymond and celebrate everything he did for Goodgym WF

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Sarah Whitehouse
Sarah Whitehouse went on a community mission

Thu 19th Dec 2024 at 6:30pm

A small tribute to Ray

Waltham Forest Report written by Sarah Whitehouse

A shining light was extinguished today for Goodgym Waltham Forest as we learnt of the sudden passing of Raymond Umunna, dear friend, Goodgym stalwart and excellent human being. Ray (with Julia) was the first Goodgymmer I met when I joined GGWF on arrival in London late in 2021 and he’s been at many of the tasks I’ve participated in since. We quickly developed a rapport of gentle teasing; he ribbed me for working too hard, I feigned complaint that he wasn’t pulling his weight. We shared a love of the trampolines at Cheney Row park, detouring a social run there one evening for a quick bounce. And a mere two days ago I enticed him to sign up for this evening’s task at Walthamstow Toy Library with a promise of mince pies. When I read the message today I simply couldn’t comprehend it. I went to the Toy Library numb and in shock yet in part somehow still expecting Ray to be there, smiling broadly and telling me there had been a mistake.

As always, the Toy Library continues to do wonderful and much-needed work, which is especially important at this time of year, providing a huge range of toys and play facilities for families in need, in a low-cost, ethical and sustainable way. This evening, new GGWF member Anna, her friend Eliza and I helped Helen, who runs the Library, to clean the toy store room and organise the many shelves and boxes. As usual, we made short work of the task and Helen was, as ever, hugely grateful. I of course worked hard (but not too hard!) for Ray, and tried to make sure that Anna and Eliza felt as welcome and appreciated as he would have made them feel.

While I’m not lucky enough to have known Ray as well as many GGWF friends did, he made me feel instantly welcome here and I will be forever grateful. He treated me like a friend whenever our paths crossed. His warmth, energy and enthusiasm lit up every task we did, with his trademark enormous smile to rival that of the Cheshire Cat. I know that Ray has very close friends at GGWF, who are reeling today, trying to make sense of this unfathomable loss. To them I send love and strength. When the place and time are right, I know that together we will find a way to pay a fitting and lasting tribute to him. For now, I sign off this final “run report” for 2024 with words I couldn’t have imagined writing a few hours ago: Thank you, Ray, for everything you gave. I know you will be greatly missed by many. I, for one, am struggling to imagine Goodgym without you. May you rest in peace, dear friend.

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Jack Da Silva

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Jack Da Silva

Fri 20th Dec 2024 at 11:23am

Beautifully written tribute Sarah, rest in peace Ray ❤

Linda Sharman

Fri 20th Dec 2024 at 3:07pm

Such sad news, about a lovely Guy. He will be sorely missed.

Theresa Joseph
Theresa Joseph (she/her)

Mon 23rd Dec 2024 at 9:44am

Lovely Tribute, Sarah. Thanks for taking the time to write and share this. I'm sending condolences to his family and all who knew him. Rest in peace, Ray ❤.

Sarah Whitehouse
Sarah Whitehouse signed up to a community mission.

Thu 20th Feb at 6:30pm

Help out at Walthamstow Toy Library

Support the Toy Library, which provides invaluable support to families in our local area

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John Shirley
Sarah Whitehouse
Sarah Whitehouse signed up to a community mission.

Thu 16th Jan at 6:30pm

Help out at Walthamstow Toy Library

Support the Toy Library, which provides invaluable support to families in our local area

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Sarah Whitehouse
Sarah Whitehouse signed up to a community mission.

Thu 19th Dec 2024 at 6:30pm

Help out at Walthamstow Toy Library

Support the Toy Library, which provides invaluable support to families in our local area

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Sarah Whitehouse
Sarah Whitehouse went on a community mission

Thu 28th Nov 2024 at 6:30pm

It’s a wrap!

Waltham Forest Report written by Sarah Whitehouse

Four jolly Goodgymmers (and a bump – extra well done to heavily pregnant Charlotte for joining the task!) made their way this frosty evening to Walthamstow Toy Library for some festive fun, to wrap presents for Santa, who is apparently scheduled to visit quite soon, although we’ve no idea why as it can’t possibly be almost December already?! We were greeted by the ever lovely and brilliant Helen, who runs the Toy Library and supplied us with everything we needed to wrap lots of lovely books. We wrapped and chatted happily, good company making light work of the task! The Toy Library is always a joy and it was lovely to be back and once again able to support this incredible project, which has been part of the Walthamstow community for almost 50 years!

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Sarah Whitehouse
Sarah Whitehouse signed up to a community mission.

Thu 28th Nov 2024 at 6:30pm

Thursday night helping at the Toy Library at 6.30pm

Will help this charity to provide toys for kids in the area

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