GoodGym Crewe

CreweCommunity mission
Nicola MarshallMaurice Fitzgerald

Hedging Our Bets!

Wednesday 18th September

Written by Nicola Marshall

Hazel, Maurice & Nicola had a super productive evening cutting back a hedge that was completely blocking a PROW (public right of way). The path is used daily by local residents but it's become overgrown making it difficult for people to use, especially anyone using a wheelchair or walking frame.

So, we cracked on and set to work with the shears and loppers. We didn't escape without a few nettle stings and bramble scratches but we were chuffed with what 3 pairs of hands achieved in a short space of time!

Hopefully the people that use the footpath will notice a big difference tomorrow and find it a bit easier to get down the path!

Awesome job everyone - you're amazing!! ❤

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CreweCommunity mission
Maurice Fitzgerald
Mark Peel

Soggy Parkrun!

Sunday 15th September

Written by Mark Peel

Claire, Maurice and myself braved the elements and supported Queens Park 165th Junior Parkrun. All three marshalled but helped out as required including answering questions from first timers. 91 brave junior runners turned up and were brilliant with lots of energy despite the weather, it was a pleasure cheering them on and the tea in the cafe after was very well received.

Thanks Mark for taking the time to write the report of what you got upto on Sunday. Well done to all of you for braving the rain! You're absolute stars!! ❤

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CreweCommunity mission
Karen WhiteheadNigel Whitehead
Mark PeelMarjo P

Pride In The Park!

Saturday 14th September

Written by Nicola Marshall

I think its fair to say that we made an impact at Crewe Parkrun today!! Between the 5 of us: Karen, Kat, Marjo, Nigel & Mark we managed to cover 11 different roles!! We all take great pride in helping out at our weekly parkruns, especially in our lovely Queens Park and today was no exception - the sun was shining and it was a wonderful morning to be out and enjoying being with other parkrunners.

Well done everyone ❤

5 People covered 11 different roles:

Run Director Event set up Course check First timers welcome Parkwalker Timekeeper Close down Token sorting Results processor Report writer Photographer

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CreweCommunity mission
Karen WhiteheadNigel WhiteheadNicola Marshall

Party at the parkrun

Saturday 7th September

Written by Nicola Marshall

A lovely morning was spent supporting our lovely Crewe parkrun. Between us all, we took on various roles (some of us even doubled up!!) including:

Run Director Pre-event Setup Volunteer Coordinator Timekeepers Barcode Scanners Token Sorters

We all love being involved with parkrun and its always nice to catch up with each other and have a bit of banter too!

It was lovely to catch up with you all. Thanks for being awesome as always ❤

See you soon!

Lots of love Nicola Xxx

PS - Sorry that I didn't manage to get everyone on the photo :(

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CreweGroup run
Karen WhiteheadKimberly SmartNicola MarshallPhilNigel WhiteheadMaurice Fitzgerald

Last Leaflet

Wednesday 28th August

Written by Nicola Marshall

Tonight was a different night. Tonight was the end of an era and the very last official Goodgym group run. As of tonight, things change with Goodgym Crewe. We will still be around, doing our thing and continuing our good work, just in a different way. Goodgym HQ have needed to make some changes to the structure of the organisation, which has resulted in changes to 15 areas, of which Crewe is one. So, you might not see a report from us every single week, but you will still see us out and about doing things in the community - and when we do, we’ll make sure we let you know about it!

Tonight, Karen, Nigel, Maurice, Phil and Nicola spent the evening delivering some leaflets for junior parkrun to one of the local housing estates. With five pairs of hands it was a task which we completed in a fairly short amount of time, combining it with over 3 miles of steps as we did! And true to Goodgym form, the weather was kind to us and it was actually pretty warm too. I’m really pleased that the weather was nice for us for our last night as we have a little saying “it never rains on a Goodgym night“. It would have been a shame if it had let us down on our last night 🤣

We enjoyed our task and met a beautiful cat while we were out and about (see pics!) as well as having a good chat as we went.

Once we’d finished leafleting, we headed over to Hops Belgian Bar to have a drink and a piece of Colin (the caterpillar cake!) to celebrate 5 years of Goodgym Crewe. It was lovely to sit and chat and to also talk about tasks we might do in the future. I had the loveliest of surprises when Karen gave me a beautiful bunch of flowers from everyone. I was so touched and it was such a lovely, unexpected surprise.

Thank you to everyone who has made the last 5 years (almost) of me being an Area Activator such a rewarding and wonderful experience. I wouldn’t change a thing about it. Thank you for your continued dedication and support. You really are THE BEST bunch of people I know and I’m glad that we’ll always be friends.

But for now… over and out.

Love you all to bits. Nicola Xxxx

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CreweGroup run
Karen WhiteheadMaurice FitzgeraldKimberly Smart

Smashed It!

Wednesday 21st August

Written by Nicola Marshall

It was a super productive evening by two Super Wonderful Women!!! The weeding of the many paving slabs outside the Motherwell building is pretty daunting with lots of people on board to help, let alone just 2 people!! But that didn’t deter our determined duo who got totally stuck in!! I’m sure you’ll agree that the difference is incredible!!

Motherwell have some very special visitors coming soon, so enlisted our help to try and spruce the front up a bit before their guests arrive! I think it’s fair to say that the wonderful Karen & Kimberley! delivered... and some!

Karen & Kimberley worked tirelessly until 7 bags were filled!!! 7 bags between 2 people in just short of an hour and a half is pretty good going!!!

Well done ladies - you’re incredible!! I know that your efforts tonight will be greatly appreciated by Motherwell

Lots of love. Nicola Xx

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