Barnes Common Limited

Conservation - Biodiversity - Wellbeing - Lifelong Learning - For All
We are based at Vine Road Recreation Ground were we lead a Community Growing Project. We grow food using organic and regenerative processes, we engage volunteers from local organisations and groups as well as individuals and of all ages and abilities. Every week we harvest food and donate boxes to our local food bank, benefitting 4-5 families.

5 GoodGymers have supported Barnes Common Limited with 1 task.

Top supporters
Richmond runner
Richmond runner
Richmond runner
Beth (she/her)

Upcoming sessions
Autumn Clean Up at the Barnes Common Community Growing Project

Saturday 5th October 2024 10:00am - 11:45am

Autumn Clean Up at the Barnes Common Community Growing Project

Saturday 5th October 2024 10:00am - 11:45am

Previous sessions
RichmondCommunity mission

Mulch ado about vegetables

Saturday 4th November 2023

Written by Beth (she/her)

Rosie, Suze, Chris, JP and Beth braved the wind and rain to tend to the community garden - Chris was optimistic in his shorts and no hood, and swiftly rewarded by the heavens closing and the sun shining. The task was clearing the beds of end-of-season vegetable plants and laying mulch to get them ready for the next crop. The remaining squashes, beans and pumpkins were harvested and the plants chopped back. Their 'no dig' policy meant roots are left to add more nutrients to the soil, and not disturb the fragile ecosystem that benefits regrowth - ie, no earthworms were harmed in the making of these beds. JP got stuck into chopping up the plants, Beth attacked the beans, Suze and Chris were pros at mulch distribution and Rosie celebrated the last squash to survive.

The group was then rewarded with tea and the first mince pies of the year from M&S, which led to an indepth discussion about Christmas and childhood TV adverts. With the tune to the classic Softmints ad fresh in mind, we finished up and went on our way.

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